Implementing AI in the Classroom

Example course - for content creation

Course content

If you prompt your generative AI tool to create content for you on your chosen subject, be sure to check how accurate and up to date it is. Consider proposing an audience in order to tailor the text to the level of your learners.

In the following prompt, we referenced  content previously generated by ChatGPT 3.5 in the same conversation. Alternatively you could list the three bullet points again.  If the generated content appeals to you, you could then repeat the prompt for the other bullet points in other sections and modules. These could then form the basis for Moodle Books.

ChatGTP example prompt
Generate content for each topic with three points (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) in a style that is easy for students to understand. Use British English spelling. 
(Example of results: See Generated AI content)